Friday, October 12, 2012

Farmers protesting over CAP cuts

9 October 2012 Last updated at 14:36 GMT Leinster House Dublin Farmers will gather close to Leinster House to hold their protest Almost 8,000 farmers have been demonstrating in Dublin amid concerns about future EU and government funding.

The Irish Farmers' Association said that Tuesday's "day of action" was its biggest demonstration in the capital for several years.

The main concern of farmers is the reform of the EU Common Agricultural Policy over the next few months.

The IFA said there should be no cuts to the 1.6bn euros Ireland receives yearly.

It is also opposed to proposals to redistribute individual annual payments to farmers and argues that the most productive farmers could lose out.

The association also called on the government not to cut the 300m euros it spends on farm schemes in December's budget.

IFA President John Bryan said the event would be a "major show of solidarity".

"The agri industry fully understands the consequences for their businesses and the 300,000 jobs depending on the sector if the EU Commission gets its way on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy," he said.

"Farm output will drop and the raw material for Ireland's ambitious growth plans in the food sector will not be available if the EU Commission gets its way."

Mr Bryan said he hoped the protest in Dublin would send a clear message to the Irish government that they must fight in Brussels to secure a full CAP budget that "supports productive farmers and the rural economy".

He said the government could not continue to heap extra costs and taxes on top of productivity and work.

"The government need to get serious about improving our competitiveness and not damaging it further with more taxes and costs on the hard-pressed business and productive sectors," he added.

The IFA said most dairy co-ops, beef, lamb, pig and poultry processors, grain merchants and livestock marts would not accept farm produce on Tuesday.

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